Even if you are a seasoned cat owner, it can sometimes be difficult to spot a flea infestation. As this is the time of year when fleas are at their most prevalent and most annoying, we wanted to take a second and discuss the warning signs of fleas. If you notice that there is something wrong, you should look into getting your fur baby good flea and tick treatments for cats and making an appointment to the vet. Here are a few things to watch out for:
Abnormal Scratching, Licking, or Biting: All cats scratch, all cats lick, and all cats bite (hopefully not their owners or their guests). If your cat does one or all three of these actions more vigorously or more often than usual, this could mean that he or she has fleas. Fleas are smart, and they will hide in places on your cat’s body that they can’t reach. If your cat scratches or bites a lot, you might start noticing fur loss everywhere.
Your Cats Shows Signs of Allergies: Another common symptom of fleas is an allergic reaction. Just as with certain foods, mold, and pollen, some cats are allergic to fleas. The most typical sign of this will be red, flaky patches of skin, but itching and head rubbing are also very common.
Your Cat Is Not Producing Enough Red Blood Cells: Fleas are parasites, and they live off other species by feeding off their blood. Chances are you will see other symptoms first, but if you notice that your cat has pale gums, this is a sign that there is a major infestation in your home. You should get your cat treated as soon as possible as this means your cat might be anemic and require medical intervention.
Is There Flea Dirt Everywhere? Not to be gross, but you could have flea feces in your home right now. Known as “flea dirt”, these black specks will appear on your cat and the areas where your cat spends most of his or her time. You will know that it is flea dirt rather than just plain old dirt because it’ll appear brownish-red when picked up by a white paper towel.